Resources for Victims of Crime

Helpful numbers and resources: 

Burglary and Theft

Theft is the number one crime on campus. If you have been through a frightening or disruptive experience, remember that what you are feeling is perfectly normal and will likely pass in time. Meanwhile, there are some things you can do to make this time easier and to make things better for yourself in the future.

  • What Happens Now?
  • Emotional Recovery
  • Prevention

Learn More

Relationship Violence

The State of Texas recognizes relationship violence by two different terms: “Family Violence” and “Dating Violence.” Each of these forms of violence are described as an act by a member of a family, household or dating relationship against another member that is intended to result in physical harm, injury, sexual assault, or a threat that reasonably places the victim in imminent fear of such.

  • Signs of Relationship Violence
  • Safety Planning
  • Community Contacts

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Sexual Violence & Sexual Assault

If someone has unwanted sexual contact with you without your consent, this is sexual assault which is a crime. Should you come to police, our first priority is your health and safety. You will be believed. You will not be judged. You are in control. You are not alone. We are here to help.

  • If You or Someone You Know is Sexually Assaulted
  • How to Help a Survivor
  • Sexual Assault Facts
  • Sexual Assault Facts Specific to UT-Austin
  • Community Contacts

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A stalker attempts to control his/her victim through behavior or threats that are intended to intimidate and terrify. A stalker can be an acquaintance, an unknown person, a family member, or a former intimate partner. Stalking can be perpetrated by the stalker or by another person acting on her/his behalf. A stalker may follow a victim off and on for a period of days, weeks, or even years. While stalking behavior is intended to create fear and can have a significant impact on the life of a victim, it is important to understand that not all stalking behavior is against the law.

  • If You Are Being Stalked
  • Safety Measures

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If you believe you are the victim of a scam, immediately call 911.

General tips to avoid being scammed via email:

  • If you get a suspicious email, ask for the name of the agency and a phone number. You can then research the number to see if it matches with the agency. Contact the agency using the phone number you identified through an independent source to verify the information.
  • A legitimate agency will never deal in gift cards or overpay you with a check.
  • Remove your phone number and address from the campus directory.

General tips to avoid being scammed via phone:

  • If you get a suspicious call, ask for the name of the agency and a phone number and JUST HANG UP! You can then research the number to see if it matches with the agency. Scammers will likely do all they can to keep you from hanging up.
  • A legitimate agency will never demand gift cards as payment.
  • Remove your phone number and address from the campus directory to further insure your information is not accessible on a public website. You can do that here:

The phone scam trend is a problem nationwide. The callers spoof numbers and are often overseas. They will attempt to use fear tactics such as threatening to arrest you or have you kicked out of school. They will attempt to impersonate local agencies or even a department here on campus. Bottom line, JUST HANG UP.